- Hints, Tips and Cheats for over 200 different Acorn games titles.
- Reviews of every game released for RISC OS over the past three years.
- Guides for producing your own games
- And "anything else we choose to add at the last minute"
Acorn Arcade spoke to David to see if we could get a little more information. Apparently the hints & tips have been "derived from all over the place", as have the reviews, so it's not clear whether the majority of these previously appeared in magazines or are original work.
Apparently there are also 4 ex-commerical games on the CD-Rom, but when we asked what these were we were told "depends actually on the number of sales" but that "the titles include two golden oldies, one new title, and one that's not been available for RISC OS for an incredibly long time".
To order, contact Dbproaction@aol.com.